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Recently I have been revisiting Macrophotography. However, most of my pictures had a common problem: the lack of depth of field (DOF). Even in very small objects, with my current gear (I always shoot with natural light), I don't get the whole object focused.

Even at some preliminary tests with extension tubes and an old lens, I reached the point where focus was lost in less than a millimetre from the focus plane...

Looking in some Internet forums I arrived to the concept of focus stacking, based on the overlay of several images with different focused areas, to result in a single, focused image with increased DOF...

I am afraid it will not be easy to do this with GIMP. Here, maybe Photoshop is a winner. But there are also a lot of free utilities for this kind of task - and this is what I want to investigate in a new thread of posts...

Tag(s) : #Photography